Want to know about NFT: here it is!

Shazia Jabeen
3 min readMar 7, 2022


Picture Courtesy: Unsplash.com

In today’s digital era, often you come across the word NFT or NFTs. They have been in rotation since 2014. Usually, there is a debate on its worth in exchange of money, Some believe it as a hype NFTs will change investment trends. They are getting famous for purchasing and selling digital arts.

To have a clear overview of this digital asset, lets go inside the concept:

What is NFT Meaning?

A short form of NFT is non-fungible-token. Surprisingly, you cannot trade this token with another because each one owns distinctive properties. NFTs are a form of digital annals for art, music, games, animations, or any digital piece of writing linked to the block (a record book available online).

In economic terms, the word fungible refers to assets with the same monetary value, and non-fungible is an intangible asset that can only be bought or sold due to its unmatched properties. The token is a certificate of ownership for this digital possession.

Is NFT rising today?

A study related to the art segment of Non-Fungible Token from April 2021 to Feb 2022 exhibits a rise in NFTs sales from 23.7 thousand to 35.5 thousand.

Why are NFTs becoming popular?

NFTs have been becoming popular to trade digital art pieces. Google survey conducted in Sep 2021 states that NFTs are popular in Southeast Asia and Latin America compared to other countries.

These are moving around on social media in some other form, for example, a short clip from NBA games. A renowned digital whiz known as “Beeple” designed the remarkable piece of the flash “EVERYDAYS: The first 5000 days” gone as a hot item for NFT 69 million $.

Is NFT Crypto Different?

Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

Programming codes of NFTs and cryptocurrency are similar. Besides this, we see, NFTs are intangible, cryptocurrencies are tangible, the best example is one Bitcoin with the same face value as another bitcoin. One NFT cannot be equal to the other one, the reason is unique codes.

Cryptocurrency is virtual money stored in Blockchain. Similarly, blockchains keep a record of NFTs, usually Ethereum. Here a tweet can be an NFT as Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sold his first-ever tweet as a Non-Fungible-Token for more than $2.9 million. NFTs own titles in the form of a digital file. The NFTs can have a sole owner at a time. And the owner can store some specific information like signature in NFT’s metadata. NFTs are not only used as generating income but for fundraising as well.

What is the role of the digital wallet?

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

First, you must have your digital wallet to keep cryptocurrency used for buying and selling NFTs. When you have this, you can get NFT Crypto through your credit card using platforms like Coinbase, Kraken, PayPal. Once you have your wallet with sufficient funds, you must be aware of shopping sites to buy NFTs.

Commonplaces out of several are Opensea.io, Foundation, and Rarible. You must decide about the form of wallet, marketplace, and digital currency, especially if you are a beginner. The process of buying and selling NFTs varies from platform to platform. You are supposed to follow the instructions of the selected one you are using for trade.

Final Verdict

Before investing, complete your research and possible risk factors (you may lose all investment). Once you have done all this, you can proceed your way to NFTs.

Keywords: Primary: NFT

Secondary: Non-Fungible Token, NFT Crypto, NFT Meaning, NFT 69 million.

